Monday, September 7, 2009

WAGS: Blog 2

Well my mom hit 50 this year and she took it pretty hard. I decided to interview her since she is a very experienced women not only in years but in the work force also. She works as a Banker in Tulsa, OK and if anyone knows banking most of them are ran by MEN, so i knew this interview would be good.
  • Experience with gender-I started asking my mom about here experience with gender and she stated to think back when she was a little girl. She said " when I was a little girl my daddy was the one that worked, he was the bread winner, on top of work he ran the farm. Momma was a stay at home mom taking care of us five kids and household chores. Mom wasn't even on the bank account until most of us were out of the house, Dad would just wright the checks for groceries and other things as she needed them." "Growing up in a little country town parenting in our house was by the book, there were no role reversal or anything or the sort it was the way it was, mom had her job and daddy had his" I guess in this day and age this life style would be a culture shock for some but my mom did not know any different. My Grandma has always felt that it was important to let the man be the man in the marriage and woman be the woman. This idea has carried on to my mom, shes always enjoyed letting a man take care of her and open doors and such.
  • History with feminism- "From the Gloria Steinham era, the articles I read and the stuff I saw in the media, I had a very negative impression on feminism."
  • Feminism defined- "a belief or "doctrine" that equalizes rights for women."
  • Experience in life- " When your dad and I opened the restaurant I was going to go to the local Chamber of Commerce meeting. I went to one meeting and I was the only women in the room and I did not fill comfortable, they did not welcome me at all. The next week I sent your dad and and fit right in and they welcomed him just fine." "This experience was a slap in the face, it was very obvious that it was a Man's World and No Girls Were Allowed."

Reading response: Ch. 3 A New Cultural Landscape: The topics of this chapter was about sex, "the pill", birth control methods, identifying a women's sexuality, and teen pregnancy. In the beginning of the chapter they talk about how the Pill was introduced into society and what women had to go through to get it. I did not realize how important the pill issue was back then, compared to today. I think of it today as protection, planning and being responsible. Back then it was a decrease, the fact that "women no longer need to get married to have sex without risking a unplanned pregnancy."(pg.37) As I read about teen pregnancy and identifying my own sexuality I start to notice that it is easier for me to identify with issues in the chapter. Coming from a small town where teen pregnancy is a norm and word gets around, I can relate to this chapter. My values that my parents have instilled in me start to blossom and my own personal opinions start to bounce around in my head. Society has definitely changed and views and opinions have too. The pill and birth control methods were seen as liberating and careless. It was throwing a women's purity out of the window, in a since and so did feminism in the first few chapters. How different do we view a woman that had a unplanned pregnancy today compared to in the 60's?

Reading response: ch. 5 Signs of The Times: Defining the Third wave: The topic they discussed a lot in this chapter is "The Third Wave" Modernizing seems to be theme of this weeks readings. Opening a new door to woman and society that opens our eyes to new and different views of feminism issues. Media issues like, Whats hot and whats not, or the ideal woman and how pop culture can brain wash us into thinking that. Introducing the Riot Grrl movement, that started in the early 90s and expressed the views on feminism through rock music and the pop culture. "This is where woman could be seen as individuals and not as sex, race,ethnicity, or cultural orientation claiming the voices of young woman's as art, music and written word, and turning traditionally confining pop-culture images of women around to empower"(pg88) This 3rd wave feminism is a combination of the 1st and 2ND wave plus focusing on global feminism and the empowerment of women than the male oppression. (pg90) This chapter I felt was more in your face and I felt better after reading it, I feel inspired and I have an extra kick in my step. - Veronica Cantu (WAGS Blog 2)

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